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Volunteer Center Herning

In Volunteer Center Herning you are always welcome to stop by for a chat about being a volunteer. There’s a lot of need for volunteers – and somewhere they need someone exactly like you. Let us know, if you have any questions on who, where and when.

logo engelskVolunteer Center Herning exist primarily to foster, promote and develop volunteerism. We support those who help others through voluntary efforts.

In Herning there is a lot of different organizations, who aim to help other people. Organizations where many volunteers help those, who need it. It could be lonely people, elderly people, families in trouble and people with different kinds of diagnoses or disabilities. Volunteer Center Herning is here to help and support these organizations and their many volunteers.

In Volunteer Center Herning you are always welcome to stop by for a chat about being a volunteer. We can bring you in touch with the organization, you particularly wish to work for, and if you are in doubt where to place your voluntary effort, we will very much like to help you become aware of the opportunities. There’s a lot of need for volunteers – and somewhere they need someone exactly like you. Please let us know, if we shall help you find out, where and who and when.

If you would like to form your own charity or organization, we would also like to help you taking the first steps – or get you in touch with someone, who already do something similar.

Give us a call – or send us an email – and let’s make the world a better place!

Please contact:

Søren Rønn Kæmpegaard, Leader of Volunteer Center Herning

Phone: 81 98 41 93


Kontakt Frivilligcenter Herning

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